26 mai 2023
MIMCO Asset Management renforce son activité de gestion d’actifs avec l’arrivée de Paul-Eric Perchaud

MIMCO Asset Management announces the arrival of Paul-Eric Perchaud as Real Estate Director, Private Debt. This strategic appointment strengthens the Group’s position in real estate asset management and demonstrates its commitment to providing innovative investment solutions to its clients.

With over 15 years’ experience in investment, asset management and financing strategies, Paul-Eric Perchaud is a renowned expert in the field of real estate.

Prior to joining MIMCO Asset Management, he worked in France and internationally for major players in the asset management and real estate crowdfunding sector, including Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and ClubFunding Group, where he held management positions and was responsible for the management and acquisition of large-scale real estate portfolios.

“The arrival of Paul-Eric Perchaud as Real Estate Director, Private Debt at MIMCO Asset Management marks an important step in the Group’s development.” Comments Ara Adjennian, Managing Partner and Partner of MIMCO AM.

“In the current market context, real estate private debt is a very promising business, offering interesting opportunities to investors seeking attractive returns and more secure investments,” explains Christophe Nadal, co-founder and Chairman of MIMCO AM.

“With the arrival of Paul-Eric Perchaud, MIMCO Asset Management intends to strengthen its expertise in this field and offer its customers innovative, high-performance investment solutions.”

At MIMCO Asset Management, Paul-Eric Perchaud will be responsible for the real estate private debt investment strategy. He will lead a team of experienced real estate asset management professionals, who will seek to identify the most attractive investment opportunities and build a diversified portfolio of real estate loans.

Notre Actualité


Le Groupe MIMCO, via son fonds MIMCO Green Value, et ELEMA CAPITAL, viennent de réaliser l’acquisition d'un terrain à Esvres‑sur‑Indre (37), au sein de la ZAC Even'Parc, pour la réalisation d'un parc d’activités de dernière génération, écoresponsable et modulable.



MIMCO Asset Management annonce l'arrivée d'Anna Nejjar en tant que Responsable des Partenariats pour la région Auvergne / Rhône‑Alpes.



Découvrez Reculettes, le projet de revalorisation d'espaces de bureau porté par MIMCO Asset Management et ATHMOS Partners.



Le Groupe MIMCO annonce la promotion de Paul‑Eric Perchaud au poste de Managing Director de sa filiale MIMCO Asset Management, pour porter ses ambitions de développement.

